

Today marks one earthly year since the beloved person we know as Cindy passed from our lives into another existence about which humans hold various beliefs. Cindy and I believe in Jesus Christ and we thus apply the beliefs of the (Christian) Bible regarding where she is now.

For this first anniversary of her passing, I share a re-worked rendition of her memorial/funeral service held April 12, 2019 at Ward Church in Northville, MI. “Re-worked” because I added and synced images to the audio recorded that day to coincide with the songs, readings and messages presented by participants in the service.

What we have now is something more, my visual interpretation of the audio recording that not only illustrates what was spoken, read and sung but also presents a series of snapshots of Cindy’s life as represented that day.

I pray that you who knew her will find that this presentation represents Cindy well, albeit incompletely. If so, then you who did not know her will gain an understanding about her that is inspiring, encouraging and hopeful in this very challenging time on planet earth. Furthermore, I pray it offers a winsome view into and about Cindy’s faith in Jesus Christ that is at least intriguing if not much, much more.

I’m pretty sure that no one is more embarrassed about all of this fanfare about Cindy than Cindy herself. Therein lies the beauty of this project, as well as my motivation for bringing it to you. As eulogist Julie said about her, “She lived simply, loved abundantly, protected fiercely, and savored the life that God gave her.” Julie also noted, “Cindy’s life took many dramatic turns... She responded admirably in ‘un-dramatic’ ways—reflecting her steadfast faith & practical nature.”

People like Cindy - simple, steadfast, practical, undramatic - don’t make the pages of our world’s histories. Rarely do their funerals feature seven eulogists. But in God’s world, Cindy is known, very well known. I am grateful that she and I share “being known” by God.

While experiencing this service again may be difficult for some, know it is here at Road Report Journal to be found if or when you are ready.* I do not intend to fan or resurrect the pain you are trying to get beyond due to Cindy’s passing but to hold this woman, so vibrant in the life we enjoyed with her, as still alive and vibrant and still able to inspire us to receive and be moved by the Person that gave her life when…
and Who still gives her life now.

Click here to begin: CindyT’s Memorial Service, 4/12/2019

Service Order:

(YouTube format; 1 hour, 24 minutes; you may drag cursor to any section in the program to view selected parts vs. all at once)

  1. Call to Worship - Psalm 121 - Pastor Doug Walker - where does my help come from….?

  2. Welcome & Prayer - Doug

  3. Song - “Salt & Light” - by Lauren Daigle, sung by Heather Yanke Lunneberg

  4. Readings ( Char, Deb, Brian)

  5. Eulogies ( Bryan, Emma & Lindsey, Karen, Kim, Mamie, Julie, Glenn)

  6. Message - Doug - John 14: 1-7 - in my Father’s house are many rooms…

  7. Song of Reflection - “And Now My LifeSong Sings” - by Casting Crowns, sung by Heather

  8. Psalm 23 - Doug - The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want….,

  9. Credits

* Note: This is an unlisted YouTube video so you need this link to access the presentation. It is not findable by searching on YouTube.

Producer’s note: Not included in presentation are 2 songs sung at the service - “In Christ Alone” and, “Trust in You,” a Cindy favorite that was the third song performed at a special night organized by Heather in honor of Cindy’s many years as a vocalist with the Grace Chapel Worship Team. To see the video of that performance, click here: Night of Worship held on June 15, 2019