2003 "Worldly Wisdom" Ornament
In 2003, our family vacationed out west and along the way attended church in Jackson Hole, Wyoming where we heard a sermon by Pastor Don Landis entitled “God’s Wisdom”. I was so taken by that talk that I ordered the entire 9-tape series after we returned home.
The ornament is an X’d out diploma that bears each recipient’s name to show that man’s highest wisdom can’t hold a candle to God’s.
“God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.”
Faith in God and God’s word (in the Bible) is what we each must embrace to benefit from the promise that Christmas offers. This is why I made a personalized ornament for each person.
“Sin is choosing to be self-ruled instead of God ruled.”
Sadly, self-rule is the heart of human wisdom, the wisdom that is held in high esteem in our world, especially in western culture. But human wisdom can’t get us to God, only Jesus can. This is the audacious claim of Christmas.
Think about how the first Christmas sets this idea of God-rule up – staged to stand in stark contrast to how rule on earth occurs. What a God we have to orchestrate this huge concept as He did!
I pray that this truth takes root and flourishes in your heart and mind this year.